Trevor wanted to take karate so we got him into some classes at the local USA Karate and he is absolutely loving it. He took his test for his Yellow belt but we have yet to find out if he got it.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Month in Reveiw
Instead of a Week in Review I will do a month in review because it has been so long. It has been so long because every night after dinner I go to the basement and work on it.
Kolby has been such a happy boy. He just eats, sleeps, and plays all the time. He is always smiling and seems that nothing makes him get angry. He is growing so fast and has started sitting up. We have tried him on rice cereal but he is not to happy to eat it.
Trevor lost the first of his two front teeth one Saturday while playing in the basement with on e of his friends. His friend hit him in the face with a pillow chair and the tooth came out. Then while up at my parents house for Conference weekend he was playing downstairs with his cousins and the other tooth came out. This makes a total of four teeth he has lost so far.
Sheet rocking has been my latest pastime. After dinner I would work on the basement getting sheet rock up for about three hours and then go to bed dead tired. This picture is me sheet rocking the girls closet. The whole basement was finished sheet rocking on the the last weekend in September and now the fun part of muding and taping has begun. The bathroom is finished and ready to start sanding.
I can not believe that Halloween is all ready here. This past week we went and got pumpkins and decorated the front steps. These spider webs were fun to put up but they have not lasted long. The wind has blown them and they are just blowing in the wind now. Each of us got two pumpkins, one large and one small. The kids had such fun picking pumpkins but had a hard time leaving the pumpkins on the porch but wanted to take them to bed with them.
The girls had outgrown all their church clothes. We had to go get them new dresses. This is the first time the girls have had clothes that do not match. We are just afraid that they are going to start fighting over who gets to wear which one. They were both so excited to wear these new dresses. Alexa was the first to chose and she first chose the black one and then changed her mind as soon as I had the dress on her so I had to switch them. They are so beautiful, don't you think.
Well that was the month in review in pictures and words. I will try to keep this blog more up to date but I am on a deadline to have the basement finished by Thanksgiving so there is no guarantee.