Sunday, July 20, 2008


Today was the girls 2nd birthday. I can not even believe that it has been two years. It just flew by but they have been an exciting two years. We had a birthday party for the girls and invited everyone to come. Those who came were grandpa and grandmother, great grandmother and great grandpa, and Abby.
While the girls were down for their nap, we decorated the dining area so that they would be surprised when they woke up.
Kolby was so excited for the party.
It took the girls a few presents to get into the opening mood.
They both got brooms and Alexa went right over to try it out.
I asked Alexa to smile so that I could take her picture and she sat right down.
That present was just about as big as the girls. It was took Trevor to help them get it unwrapped.
I final picture of everything that they got.
Brigitte got this idea from Betty Crocker. These sandles were so fun to make. Brigitte stressed out a little when she was trying to cut the shapes but then it was easy after that.
They were both so excited to have some cake. Brigitte had practiced blowing out the candles before hand. It helped with Alexa but not Maya.
After the girls went to bed we finally got the kitchen set up for them. They are going to have so much fun with it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Janae said...

Yeah!!! Happy Birthday girls!!!